The Cichlid Atlas Vol. 2 is a must for every hobbyist of South American Dwarf Cichlid. With its approximately 1,280 color photos, 125 maps, about 400 drawings, numerous diagrams and tables, this book offers the hobbyists as well as the scientists incredible pictorial supplementary information. The original key to identify Apistogramma spp. has been updated to all newly imported species. Several of the new species introduced to the hobby are presented here for the first time. This is the most complete and actual update of knowledge published on Apistogramma, and together with Volume 1, the most complete work ever presented on the genus. This book is the result of years of intense research by the author and his team. In fact Dr. Romer has earned his habilitation through his research on Apistogramma spp. 1,320 pages, hardcover.